Public Notices
Candidate Debate Forum: Mayor and Council
The Town of White Pine, Tennessee will hold a candidate debate forum on Tuesday night, October 8th at 6:30pm at Town Hall for Mayoral candidates and 7:15pm for Council candidates. The debate forum will be moderated by Professor D.J. Deeb, Assistant Professor of History and Political Science at Walters State Community College.
Girls Inc. Fall Break Programming
Town of White Pine Council Meetings for 2024
Regular meetings of the Town Council of White Pine, Tennessee shall be conducted at Town Hall, 1548 Main Street, at 7 pm with a work session before every meeting starting at 6 pm on the following dates during the year 2024.
Full schedule here.
Town of White Pine Parks and Recreation Meetings
Parks and Recreation Monthly Board Meetings will be held at 6pm on the 4th Tuesday of each month at Town Hall.
Curbside Trash Pick Up
Please note: All curbside trash must be in your trash bin, preferably bagged, in order to be picked up. Any trash outside of the bin will not be picked up.
Rethink Flood Insurance, TN
An information document and guide for consumer’s on flood insurance, including myths & facts, how to know your flood risk, what flood insurance covers, and how to spot scammers.
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- 1Weight Training at White Pine Senior Center10:00 amTuesdays at 11AM , ...Town Council Meeting6:00 pmThe Town Council made up of the Mayor and 5 aldermen meets the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00 PM in the Court Room of Town Hall. Meeting agendas will be posted on our Agendas and Minutes page. , ...
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- 8Weight Training at White Pine Senior Center10:00 amTuesdays at 11AM , ...Candidate Debate Forum: Mayor and Council6:30 pmThe Town of White Pine, Tennessee will hold a candidate debate forum on Tuesday night, October 8th at 6:30pm at Town Hall for Mayoral candidates and 7:15pm for Council candidates. The debate forum will be moderated by Professor D.J. Deeb, Assistant Professor of History and Political Science at Walters State Community , ...
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- 22Weight Training at White Pine Senior Center10:00 amTuesdays at 11AM , ...Parks and Recreation Board Meeting6:00 pmParks and Recreation Monthly Board Meetings will be held at 6pm on the 4th Tuesday of each month at Town Hall. , ...
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