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WHEREAS, the Town of White Pine has designated September 2020 as History month.

WHEREAS,  the Town of White Pine is a town rich in historical background, and has a heritage that connects to the earliest days to the present time we live;

WHEREAS, the Town of White Pine thrives to keep our heritage alive in the hearts of all citizens both new and old;

WHEREAS, the residents and others are invited to enjoy the displays at the downtown window of 1625 Main Street, to view items and history of the past for the month of September;

WHEREAS, we are deeply indebted to the Historical Committee for preserving the memories of the past and making them a part of the living present for all of us;

WHEREAS, I do hereby proclaim September 2020 to be History Month in White Pine, urging all our citizens to enjoy themselves by viewing the window displays and remembering the heritage of our town.

Signed this this day of Auqust 1 2020,

Glen E. Warren

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