Visit Rec Desk to reserve spaces, see the calendar, and get more information about the Parks and Recreation Department.

Greetings citizens of White Pine.

I just wanted to take a moment of your time to address the latest Executive Order 23 signed by Governor Lee. This new order amends executive order 22 by stating that all citizens must now stay at home unless performing essential activities. You can find a copy of this executive order by going HERE.

I urge all citizens to abide by this new executive order so this will help flatten the curve which is a term I
encouraged you to research during my last COVID-19 update. This is something that we as elected officials have
not done lightheartedly. No one thought we would be in this position when we last ran as an elected official, and
we are trying our best to do what we think is the best for our citizens and our own family.

Some of the things that we are currently doing as a Town to try to still provide the same courtesy services that is
providing is splitting our workforce so we can always have workers available to run day to day operations. Our
Street Department is working separate from the Sanitation Department, and the Water Department is working
separate from the Sewer Department. The Police Department is separating their workforce as well so they we can
still provide necessary services.

Town Hall is still closed, but our workforce is still working each day to provide essential operations and they are
happy to assist you with any questions that may arise in utilizing the website for payments as well as the drop box
located outside of Town Hall.

The vehicle registration KIOSK located in the foyer of the Police Department will remain open for use during this

f you must go out for an essential activity, such as going to the grocery store, do so responsibly by limiting the
number of people that go out. If you can leave others at home with a responsible party, do so. Stay home if you
are sick, check on each other by calling. Do activities outdoors responsibly by following CDC guidelines. Utilize the
reliable websites such as and

All parks are closed at this time by order of the state as well. We will open the parks back just as soon as possible.
Please take this Executive Order serious as to help do your part to Flatten the Curve and with your assistance we
will return to our normal day to day lives and operations.

Glen E Warren
Mayor, Town of White Pine

Mailing address:
Town of White Pine, TN
P.O. Box 66
White Pine, TN 37890