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Jefferson County is growing, and your Mayor and County Commissioners want citizens’ input on managing this growth. The Mayor and Commissioners are undertaking a community engagement effort to obtain this input. The project aims to receive feedback on how Jefferson County’s agricultural lands, neighborhoods, parks, and businesses can be developed or preserved over the next ten years. The Mayor and Commissioners have identified various ways to obtain the community’s input. One way is a survey that can be accessed using the QR code below. Hard copies of the survey are available at public buildings throughout the County. To obtain more detailed feedback from the citizens of Jefferson County, community meetings are scheduled for October 5 and October 27. A third community meeting will be held in late November or early December; please check the project webpage (Community Survey – Jefferson County Government ( or the Standard Banner in November for the meeting date. The survey results and input from the community meetings will be used to solidify a guiding vision, draft recommendations to guide decisions regarding development, and develop policies directing Jefferson County’s growth.

The Jefferson County Commissioners and Mayor Potts approved this effort to obtain the input of Jefferson County citizens. The action is overseen by a steering committee composed of Jefferson County citizens, with oversight provided by the Jefferson County Long Range Planning Committee. Watch the project webpage (Community Survey – Jefferson County Government ( for information about the community engagement effort.

The steering committee has crafted a statement that describes their vision of Jefferson County in 10 years:

Jefferson County is a historically and agriculturally significant community with a vibrant small-town feel set in the beautiful East Tennessee Mountains.

Your input is needed to make this vision a reality!