The White Pine Fire Department was founded in 1954. The department strives to make our community safer by providing exceptional first response medical, fire and rescue services as well as public fire education, and smoke detector installations.

Want to be a volunteer firefighter? Apply today.
Volunteer firefighters combat, extinguish, and prevent fires in order to protect life and property through fire fighting activities. Volunteer firefighters also respond to emergency medical calls, hazardous materials incidents, rescues, and searches and other public safety or community service functions.
- Must have HS diploma or successfully completed GED test
- Must possess a valid driver’s license issued by the State of Tennessee
- Must pass a medical exam
- Must be able to pass a physical ability test administered by the department
- Must pass drug / alcohol screening
- Must attend firefighter training required by State of TN & WPFD
Have you heard of the Knox Box program?
A Knox Box is a small metal box that can be mounted on the outside of your building/business to store master keys inside.
In the event of an emergency, your local fire department can access these boxes with a master key to the boxes. Once unlocked by the
department, we can gain access inside the building, using the keys you provide, without causing damage by having to break into the building.
Free Smoke Alarms & Installation
Did you know that our department will provide you with free smoke alarms for your home? We’ll also install them for free! Just contact our department to get on the install list, don’t put yourself and your family at risk of not knowing when there’s a fire in your home. Smoke alarms save lives.
Home Fire Safety Tips
Download the below PDF for tips on ensuring your home is practicing fire safety.